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REPROMAN: Natural food supplement for men

REPROMAN: Natural food supplement for men

REPROMAN® developed by specialists in the area of reproduction medicine based on their knowledge and experience and international...

Embryoscope: Time-lapse embryo monitoring system

Embryoscope: Time-lapse embryo monitoring system

What is the best way to take care of your embryos whilst they are awaiting embryo transfer? Our clinic offers a modern method...

IVF Clinic Zlin, Czech Republic is about to celebrate birthday of the 3000's child born by means of ART provided by our Clinic.

IVF Clinic Zlin, Czech Republic is about to celebrate birthday of the 3000's child born by means of ART provided by our Clinic.

IVF Zlin Czech Republic will soon have a celebration. Clinic has been operating since the year 2001, which is not the reason,...

Clinic Zlin awarded Patients' Choice 2013 by

Clinic Zlin awarded Patients' Choice 2013 by

Patients’ Choice recognises those hospitals and clinics that deliver excellent customer care and a great patient experience.

Dolls auction for UNICEF

Dolls auction for UNICEF

Andulka in Moravian folk costume will help children.

Our Clinic tops the list of Assisted Reproduction centres as published by Medical Tourism Reviews

At the end of October our clinic was ranked among the best of its kind as voted by international patients on the medical...

AMH - a new look into ovarian age

For women who are postponing their motherhood to later in their lives or to those who would like to find out more about their...


Our IVF laboratories have successfully introduced the PICSI method – a new laboratory technique which is an improved modification...

Oocyte cryo-conservation

As one of the first centres in the country our Clinic has introduced the vitrification of oocytes (fast freezing of eggs)...