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Infertility treatment

Most of us hate uncertainty and we want information before we do anything. Therefore, we have prepared a brief guide to the infertility treatment process at our Clinic. We then share all the details in person. Infertility treatment can basically be divided into treatment with your own and donated eggs, where the procedure is slightly different.

Treatment with donated eggs

01 Results of the examination

Based on the test results, treatment with a donor egg may be recommended by your doctor. This is intended for couples where a woman carries a hereditary disease, does not produce her own eggs or produces them in poor quality.

02 The choice of a donor

The egg donation is strictly anonymous, voluntary and free in Czech Republic. Our donors are young women under 34 years which fulfill a criteria given by Czech legislation and Europien tissue directive. In advance there are gynecological, endocrinology and genetic tests provided for all donors. They are also repeatedly tested for Sexually Transmitted diseases (HIV, Syphillis, Hepatits, Chlamydia) Only donors who pass all those tests are included in to our database.

Egg donors are tested for:

  • karyotype
  • cystic fibrosis
  • Spinal muscular atrophy
  • ovary reserve (AMH)
  • hormonal profile on 2-3 day of cycle (FSH, LH, progesterone, Estradiol,)
  • thyroid hormones (TSH, free T4,T3) + prolactin
  • undergo consultation with geneticist (discuss family genetic history)
  • undergo consultation with our IVF specialist and family anamnesis discussion (incl. mental and physical health)
  • gynecological health check
  • Repetitive STD tests (HIV 1/2, Syphilis, Hepatitis B+C)
  • deafness (connexin 26)

This criteria are very strict in Czech Republic and no suspect or unhealthy donor can donate.

03 Treatment

For successful treatment, it is necessary to synchronize the cycles of the donor and recipient. After the donor’s eggs are collected, they are fertilized by the partner’s sperm. On the day the eggs are obtained from the donor, the recipient begins using pregnancy hormones, which prepare the mucous membrane in the uterus for nesting the embryos.

04Embryo transfer

The day after obtaining the eggs, we agree with the recipient about the number and quality of embryos. Normally, after five days of embryo cultivation, an embryo transfer is performed with one or two embryos. The remaining embryos can be frozen for later use.

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