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6. 11. 2023

One shall never give up, life is unpredictable

One shall never give up, life is unpredictable

"The girl and the boy met in their mid-twenties, at a relatively young age. The whole thing did not start out as something serious, so the idea of having a child was postponed for years, but then a decision had to be made. They agreed that at first they would create the proper conditions and environment for themselves and the little newcomer, as they had already seen a fair amount of bad examples, even in their families.
In the end, fate or nature intervened and all of a sudden, almost from one month to the other, the girl reached critical age in her mid-thirties. Right at the moment when they had turned ready to try establishing a family. Of course, they had all kinds of examinations, visited different doctors, but none of them were able to help. They tried every possible way to reach their goal, but to no avail, and they were already on the verge of giving up on having a child. However, that was when life made them meet Dr. Miklós Sipos, a doctor who gave them hope in the 24th hour, and cooperating with the IVF Clinic in Zlín, he created a miracle for them in the form of a baby.
Because of those long years that had passed in hopelessness, it happens even to this very day that they just stare at the sleeping baby in silence, keeping awake at night by his side and still cannot believe that he is their child, even though he is several months old already...
If there is a lesson to be learned from all this, then it is the following: One shall never give up, life is unpredictable, but modern medicine can help with a lot of matters, it just needs to be discovered whom and in what way. But the specialists in the clinic will definitely provide this information anyway. The journey to the destination is not easy, but the moment when a parent holds their own child in their hands, is well worth all the hardships...".